My best-kept secrets for recruiting top talent

By Brian Pitts, ITAC Founder and Managing Partner

I often get asked “Brian, since you are in the recruiting business, what are the best-kept secrets on recruiting the perfect IT Manager/CFO/Programmer/fill in the blank position because I really don’t want to pay a recruiter’s fee for this position?” Continue reading

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Is it time for a career change?

If you find yourself in the wrong role, wrong industry or on the wrong career path, it may be time to contact a recruiter and start looking for a new fit that fits your personal brand better.

But how do you know that it’s REALLY time to take such measures? We want you to be sure, so here are some top signs that a career change is what you need.

Do you identify with any of these statements? Continue reading

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Two-way street to salary negotiation

People think job seekers have all the pressure when it comes to job interviews, but hiring managers also feel the pressure.

It can be a daunting task to wade through so many candidates. You think you’ve finally found the right one, but then you still have to get through the interview and the dreaded salary negotiations.  Continue reading

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When it’s all about the Benjamins

Have you vowed to be more assertive in 2012?

If you’re in a position where you can start negotiating your salary for a job offer, there is definitely some advice we want to share with you.

We know you really want the job AND you want to feel like you’re being paid well. This can result in awkward situations. Continue reading

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You have a personal brand. Yes, YOU!

By Charles Baughman, CAO, ITAC Solutions

All of you have a personal brand, whether you’ve carefully cultivated it, or it’s just happened to you. If you don’t believe that, Google your name and see what comes up. Continue reading

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New Year, New Office

We are happy to announce that we have officially moved and settled in at our new headquarters in the Vestavia Hills City Center!

We now have about 7,300-square-feet of light, bright, usable and efficient space featuring exposed duct work and vents, task lighting, walls with bold stripes, frosted glass walls, barn doors to separate spaces and lots of color, especially orange, blue, green and gray.

Enjoy these pictures of our new space!

View of the lobby where guests wait on their appointments or interviews

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Come see us at our Birmingham Job Fair!

We’d love for you to join us at our ITAC Solutions Job Fair today, Monday, December 19 from 9 am until 3 pm and tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20 from 4 pm until 7 pm. Continue reading

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The rules of the interview

Interviewing is something we’re very familiar with at ITAC Solutions. Whether you’re a new grad heading out on your first job hunt or a seasoned professional looking to make a change, there may be some things you are doing or aren’t doing that could be keeping the interviews from landing you the job. Follow these rules the next time you’re called in. Continue reading

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Don’t be a networking dud

You can do yourself huge favors by networking, and this time of year with so many holiday parties, gatherings and get togethers, many opportunities may arise for job seekers. But you have to network the right way. Going about it the wrong way can do more harm than good, so we compiled a list of some tips that will hopefully get you called in for an interview instead of being called a dud. Continue reading

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ITAC has a lot to be thankful for this year!

View of our new office from the outside patio at Vestavia Hills City Center

By Brian Pitts, Owner and Managing Partner

It’s been a great year so far for ITAC Solutions, and it’s not even over yet. In fact, the real fun is just beginning since we’re moving into our new corporate offices in the Vestavia Hills City Center tomorrow, which we are very thankful for. We know our growth is attributable directly to our clients. Continue reading

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